Schedule 40 metallic pipe with 0.50 psi or less inlet pressure and 0.30” W.C. pressure drop
Maximum capacity in cubic feet of gas per hour (CFH). Natural gas with 0.60 specifi c gravity. Pipe size (inches) IPS
Pipe length
(feet) 0.75” 1.0” 1.25” 1.5” 2.0” 2.5” 3.0” 4.0”
10 278 520 1050 1600 3050 4800 8500 17500
20 190 350 730 1100 2100 3300 5900 12000
30 152 285 590 800 1650 2700 4700 9700
40 130 245 500 760 1450 2300 4100 8300
50 115 215 440 670 1270 2000 3600 7400
60 105 195 400 610 1150 1850 3250 6800
70 96 180 370 560 1050 1700 3000 6200
80 90 170 350 530 990 1600 2800 5800
90 84 160 320 490 930 1500 2600 5400
100 79 150 305 460 870 1400 2500 5100
125 72 130 275 410 780 1250 2200 4500
150 64 120 250 380 710 1130 2000 4100
175 59 110 225 350 650 1050 1850 3800
200 55 100 210 320 610 980 1700 3500
Table 2A - Natural Gas Supply Piping Capacity
Schedule 40 metallic pipe with 11”W.C. inlet pressure and 0.50” W.C. pressure drop
Maximum capacity in thousands of BTU/HR (MBH). LP Gas with 1.53 Specifi c Gravity. Pipe Size (inches) IPS
Pipe length
(feet) 0.5” .75” 1.0” 1.25” 1.5” 2.0” 2.5” 3.0”
10 275 567 1,071 2,205 3,307 6,221 10,140 17,990
20 189 393 732 1,496 2.299 4,331 7,046 12,510
30 152 315 590 1,212 1,858 3,465 5,695 10,110
40 129 267 504 1,039 1,559 2,992 4,778 8,481
50 114 237 448 913 1,417 2,646 4,343 7,708
60 103 217 409 834 1,275 2,394 3,908 6,936
80 89 185 346 724 1,086 2,047 3,329 5,908
100 78 162 307 630 976 1,811 2,991 5,309
125 69 146 275 567 866 1,606 2,654 4,711
150 63 132 252 511 787 1,496 2,412 4,281
200 54 112 209 439 665 1,282 2,038 3,618
Table 2B - Propane (LP) Gas Supply Piping Capacity
Section: Connect Gas Piping