4 6104 BCF5 R07
Combustion air supply
The burner requires combustion air and ventilation air
for reliable operation. Assure that the building and/or
combustion air openings comply with National Fire
Protection Standard for Oil-Burning Equipment, NFPA 31.
Owner’s Responsibility:
Follow These
Instructions Exactly
Contact a professional, qualifi ed service agency for the
installation, adjustment and service of your oil burning
system. Thereafter, have your equipment adjusted and
inspected at least annually to ensure reliable operation.
This work requires technical training, trade experience,
licensing or certifi cation in some states and the proper
use of special combustion test instruments.
Please carefully read and comply with the following
Never store or use gasoline or other fl ammable liquids
or vapors near this burner or appliance.
Never attempt to burn garbage or refuse in this appli-
Never attempt to light the burner by throwing burning
material into the appliance.
Never attempt to burn any fuel not specifi ed and ap-
proved for use in this burner.
Never restrict the air inlet openings to the burner or the
combustion air ventilation openings in the room.
Failure to follow these instructions,
misuse, or incorrect adjustment of
the burner could lead to equipment
malfunction and result in asphyxia-
tion, explosion or fi re.
Professional Installer/Service Agency
Please read all instructions before proceeding. Follow
all instructions completely.
This equipment must be installed, adjusted and started
by a qualifi ed service agency that is experienced with
all applicable codes and ordinances and responsible for
the installation and commission of the equipment.
The installation must comply with all local codes and
ordinances having jurisdiction and the latest editions of
the NFPA 31 and CSA-B139 & B140 in Canada.
Failure to follow these instructions
could lead to equipment malfunc-
tion and result in asphyxiation,
explosion or fi re.
Follow These
Instructions Exactly
50 Hz motors — The burner ratings, air settings and nozzle
ratings are based on standard 60 hz motors (at 3450 rpm). Derate
all ratings 20% when using 50 hz motors. Consult factory for
specifi c application data.
High altitude installations — Accepted industry practice
requires no derate of burner capacity up to 2,000 feet above
sea level. For altitudes higher than 2,000 feet, derate burner
capacity 2% for each 1000 feet above sea level.
Pre-installation checklist
The burner cannot properly burn the fuel if it is not
supplied with a reliable combustion air source.
Follow the guidelines in the latest editions of the NFPA
31 and CSA-B139 regarding providing adequate air for
combustion and ventilation.
Failure to provide adequate air supply could se-
riously affect the burner performance and result
in damage to the equipment, asphyxiation, ex-
plosion or fi re hazards.
Adequate Combustion
and Ventilation Air
Supply Required
For appliance/burner units in confi ned spaces, the room
must have an air opening near the top of the room plus
one near the fl oor, each with a free area at least one square
inch per 1,000 Btu/hr input of all fuel burning equipment
in the room. For other conditions, refer to NFPA 31 (CSA
B1139-M91 in Canada).
If there is a risk of the space being under negative pressure
or of exhaust fans or other devices depleting available
air for combustion and ventilation, the appliance/burner
should be installed in an isolated room provided with
outside combustion air.
With the burner installed in the appliance, there must be
adequate space in front of and on the sides of the burner
to allow access and operation. Verify that the clearance
dimensions comply with all local codes and with the
appliance manufacturer’s recommendations.