24 Vdc SDC Burner Manual
Notice Special Requirements
If you discover damage to the burner
or controls during unpacking, notify
the carrier at once and fi le the appropriate claim.
When contacting Beckett for service
information — Please record the
burner serial number (and have available when calling or
writing). You will fi nd the serial number on the silver label
located on the left rear of the burner. See Figure 1.
Section: Prepare Before Installing
Owner’s Responsibility
Incorrect installation, adjustment, and
use of this burner could result in severe
personal injury, death, or substantial
property damage from fi re, carbon
monoxide poisoning, soot or explosion.
Contact a professional, qualifi ed service agency for the
installation, adjustment and service of your oil heating
system. This work requires technical training, trade
experience, licensing or certifi cation in some states and
the proper use of special combustion test instruments.
Please carefully read and comply with the following
Never store or use gasoline or other fl ammable liquids
or vapors near this burner or appliance.
Never attempt to burn garbage or refuse in this
Never attempt to light the burner/appliance by throwing
burning material into the appliance.
Never attempt to burn any fuel not specifi ed and
approved for use in this burner.
Never restrict the air inlet openings to the burner or
the combustion air ventilation openings in the room.
Impaired Burner Performance
and Fire Hazard.
Do NOT operate the burner beyond specifi cations
outlined in the table to the right.
For applications beyond these limits, consult Beckett
Technical Service at 1-800-645-2876.
NOTE: Some packaged appliances with burners
may be agency listed as a unit to operate beyond
these limits. Consult the appliance manufacturer’s
specifi cations and agency approvals for verifi cation.
Prepare Before Installing
Specifi cations
See ‘Adequate Voltage Required’ warning on page 4
Rated Voltage: 27 Vdc (Nominal Charging System Voltage)
Reference Voltage: 24 Vdc (Battery Discharge Voltage)
Capacity Firing Rate (27V): 1.75 – 5.50 GPH
Input: 245,000 - 770,000 Btu/h
Firing Rate (24V)*: 1.75 - 5.00 GPH
Input: 245,000 - 700,000 Btu/h
Fuels USA: No. 1 or No. 2 diesel fuel or kerosene;
No.1 or No. 2 heating oil (ASTM D396)
Electrical Burner Voltage (nominal): 27 Vdc
Voltage Range: 21.6V - 28V
Operating Load
w/ igniter on: 14 Amps
w/ igniter off: 10 - 12 Amps
Motor Voltage (nominal): 27 Vdc
Voltage Range: 21.6V - 30V
Full Load Amps: 10 Amps
Starting Amps: 50 Amps Max.
1/4 HP, 3400 RPM, NEMA “N” Flange
Igniter Voltage (nominal): 24 Vdc
Voltage range: 21.6V - 32V
Current: 1.2 Amps
Ignition Secondary: 19kVpk 35mA
Interrupted OR intermittent duty
Valve Coil Voltage: 24 Vdc
Current: < 0.5A
Pump Outlet pressure: Note 1
Dimensions Height (maximum): 11 ½ inches
Width (maximum): 14 3/8 inches
Depth (chassis only): 6 9/16 inches
Air tube diameter: 4 inches
+32° F. (0° C.) Minimum
+115° F. (+46° C.) Maximum
(See Warning on Impaired Burner
Performance and Fire Hazard.)
*Firing rate capacity is based on airfl ow volume. In the SDC burner, airfl ow
volume and motor speed are proportional to the DC voltage. This results in a
lower maximum fi ring rate at 24V.
Note 1. See equipment manufacturer’s burner specifi cations for recommended
outlet pressure. Pressure is 100 psig unless otherwise noted.
High altitude installations – Accepted
industry practice requires no derate
of burner capacity up to 2,000 feet above sea level. For
altitudes higher than 2,000 feet, derate the burner capacity
2% for each 1,000 feet above the 2,000 feet.