R9830350 Octopus User Guide (2001-08) 4-3
4.1.2 Application use
There is no graphical interface available with the OCTOPUS SERVER, although you can click the right hand
mouse button over the icon and select one of two menu items:
Close and About Octopus Server (the
Close item is not there for the OCTOPUS SERVER service).
About will bring up a dialog window that lists general information about the application,
including the version number, and contacts for support.
Selecting the
Close button quits the application.
Figure 12
the Octopus Server icon in the tooltray
4.2 Octopus Client
The O
CTOPUS CLIENT is the main user interface to the OCTOPUS system. The client interface enables a
user to control a multiple wallboard displays with his/her own keyboard and mouse, via the network. In
addition to this, the client has a number of features that make control of a remote display an intuitive and
easy task.
4.2.1 Application startup
Much like the other applications in the OCTOPUS suite, the client application is generally started from the
Start menu.
The application starts as a toolbar window on the top of the display. There will be a pixel size window
over the top of the display, moving your mouse into this window will make the full toolbar appear.
Moving the mouse out of the window will cause the window to shrink back to one pixel in size.
Figure 13
client main interface window
Quit application
Options menu
Activate button
Message area
Cancel connection