CYCLOPS (2001-12) R5976426 12-5
12.4 Parts List
12.4.1 Scope of Delivery of R9831150
order No. designation
R9831150 Cyclops, modular rear projection unit, incl. projector and
double element screen (fresnel-lenticular) (SXGA resolu-
tion), without cladding
R9831155 Cyclops, modular rear projection unit, incl. projector and
diffusion screen (fresnel-lenticular) (SXGA resolution),
without cladding
ROPT1853 Standard shielding for CYCLOPS 100 S
ROPT1855 Standalone shielding for CYCLOPS 100 S
Table 12-9
12.4.2 Optional Parts
order No. designation
R9829960 Executive Remote Control
R9827890 VS05
Table 12-10
12.4.3 User’s Manuals
order No. title
R5976426 User’s Manual CYCLOPS
R5975765 Owner’s manual RCVDS05
R5975245 Owner’s manual VS05
Table 12-11
12.5 Addresses
Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!
Barco Control Rooms GmbH
An der Rossweid 5 • D-76229 Karlsruhe • Germany
Phone (49) (721) 6201-0 • Fax (49) (721) 6201-298
info.de.bcd@barco.com, Web www.barcocontrolrooms.de
BARCO N.V. Projection Systems
Noordlaan 5 • B-8520 Kuurne • Belgium
Phone (32) (56) 36-8211 • Fax (32) (56) 36-8251
sales.bcd@barco.com • Web www.barcocontrolrooms.com