
Display Control menu descriptions 67
The Split into Sub-Windows dialog is used to divide an active ECU window into sub-
windows. Each sub-window will display a cropped portion of the image that was shown in
the original window. The sub-windows will all be the same size and will occupy the same
total screen size and position as the window that is being split.
Once a window has been split the sub-windows will replace the original window and the split operation cannot
be undone.
Cropping restrictions may result in pixel loss for certain input resolutions and split
The Split into Sub-Windows dialog has the following groups:
Sub-Window Topology
Split Windows
Split Window Options
Sub-Window Topology
The Sub-Windows topology group allows you to select the number of sub-windows that will
be created when the window is split. The number of sub-windows must be between two
and sixteen inclusive. However, the maximum number of split-windows may be limited by