User manual MFGD 2320 20
Phase adjustments*
* Not in DVI mode
Required test pattern
To obtain good results, it is necessary to have a good image on which
to perform the functions.
For the Phase adjustments, the pattern should contain sharp black-
white transitions, like a line pattern or characters.
The Phase menu contains the following items:
Automatic Phase ..... Click the control wheel to adjust the video
sampling phase and frequency automatically
Frequency ............... Turn the wheel to adjust the video sampling
frequency manually
Man Phase adj ........ Turn the wheel to adjust the video sampling
phase manually
We recommend you use the automatic adjustment routine only. The
manual controls are intended for advanced users who wish to fine-tune
the result of the automatic routine.
3.7. Selecting inputs
To enter the Inputs menu:
1 In the main menu, turn the control wheel to select the Input
Selection menu.
MFGD 2320
Video Contrast*
Video Brightness*
Input Selection Auto
Scan Mode
* Not in DVI mode