8. Web Interface
Image 8-22
WiFi settings
3. Enter a public name (SSID) for the wireless network.
The default SSID is ClickShare-<serial base number>.
4. If you want to broadcast this SSID, check the checkbox behind Broadcast SSID.
5. Enter a new password and confirm that password.
6. Select the wireless connection frequency band: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz by clicking on the drop down box and selecting the correct
Note: Make sure your PC’s wireless interface supports the 5 GHz band before selecting it on the Base Unit.
7. Select the wireless connection channel by clicking on the drop down box and selecting the desired channel.
The channels available in the list vary according to the regional version of your Base Unit. Re-pairing the Buttons is not required
when changing the frequency band or wireless connection channel.
8. Click Apply to confirm the changes.
8.14 Advanced settings: Access web interface
About a ccess
The web interface is always accessible via the Ethernet port. Access via the wireless interface can be enabled or disabled.
How to enable-disable
1. Log in to the ClickShare web interface.
2. Click the Setup tab (1) and click Advanced (2).
3. To enable access via wireless interface, check the check box next to Enable access v ia wireless interface (3).
R5900006 CLICKSHARE 04/12/2013