Maintenance H25-IR
38 Instruction 3015-4342
5.1.2 Last Fault
The Last Fault screen provides a text description of all current faults that have been detected by the
instrument. Once the cause of the fault(s) has been cleared, its description is removed from the screen. The
name of the last fault, however, is retained on the screen. This is useful in determining the cause of an
intermittent type fault.
To display the Last Fault screen, first display the Diagnostics menu as described in Section
5.1. Next, use
the Up and Down buttons to highlight “LAST FAULT” and then press ENT. If necessary, use the Up and
Down buttons to scroll through the fault list. A list of possible fault messages is shown below.
The numbers in brackets “< >” are the fault numerical codes that appear on the Diagnostics Sensor Data
screen (refer to Section
Fault Codes are Additive: The fault codes
appearing on the Sensor Data, Diagnostics
screen (refer to Section
5.1.1) are additive. For
example: A fault code of <0810> indicates that
both a Search Flow Fault <0800> and a Loop
Open error <0010> have occurred.
Box Temp Error <0001>: Enclosure temperature
is high. Check that the enclosure is not being
subjected to extreme temperatures. Use the
Sensor Data screen to check the box temperature
(refer to Section
Bench Temp Error <0002>: Optical bench
temperature is high. Check that the enclosure is
not being subjected to extreme temperatures.
Use the Sensor Data screen to check the box
temperature (refer to Section
Loop Open <0010>: The 4−20 mA current loop is
open, or there is a high resistance in the circuit.
Check the wiring to the load/monitoring circuit.
If this feature is not being used, a 100 ohm
resistor must be connected to the 4−20 mA
output connector (refer to Section
Internal CAL Error <0020>: An internal
calibration failure has occurred. Repeat internal
calibration procedure per Section
External CAL Error <0040>: An external calibra-
tion failure has occurred. Repeat external cali-
bration procedure per Section
Digipot Range Error <0200>: The digital
potentiometer circuit is out of its normal
operating range. Call Bacharach Service with
this information for further instructions.
Leak Pressure Fault <0100>: The pressure of the
internal leak source has dropped below its
minimum value. Call Bacharach Service with
this information for further instructions.
A/D Failure <0400>: A failure has occurred in the
instrument’s analog-to-digital circuitry. Call
Bacharach Service with this information for
further instructions.
Search Flow Fault <0800>: This error occurs in
the search mode when the gas flow through the
detector has significantly changed. Check that
the probe connector is plugged into the instru-
ment, the probe hose is not kinked, and the filter
in the probe tip is not clogged. Also check for a
blocked internal filter or failed pump.
Measure Flow Fault <1000>: This error occurs in
the measure mode when the gas flow through the
detector has significantly changed. Check that
the probe connector is plugged into the instru-
ment, the probe hose is not kinked, and the filter
in the probe tip is not clogged. Also check for a
blocked internal filter or failed pump.
No Flow <2000>: Gas flow through the detector
has stopped. Check that the probe hose is not
kinked, and the filter in the probe tip is not
clogged. Also check for a blocked internal filter or
failed pump.
Zero Volt Error <4000>: The detector’s output
voltage may be out of tolerance. Use the Sensor
Data screen to check the detector voltage (refer
to Section
5.1.1). Call Bacharach Service with
this information for further instructions.
A/D Clipping Error <8000>: The detector voltage
may be out of tolerance. Use the Sensor Data
screen to check the detector voltage (refer to
5.1.1). Call Bacharach Service with this
information for further instructions.