
Single port PS2 KVM over IP
Figure 5.14: Dynamic DNS configuration panel
You have to perform the following steps in order to enable Dynamic DNS:
1. Make sure the LAN interface of PS/2 KVM over IP switch is properly configured.
2. Enter the Dynamic DNS Settings configuration dialog as shown in Figure 5.14 (Menu
Network Settings Dynamic DNS Settings)
3. Enable Dynamic DNS and change the settings according to your needs (see below).
. Enable Dynamic DNS
This enables the Dynamic DNS service. This requires a configured DNS server IP address.
. Dynamic DNS server
Here you enter the server name where PS/2 KVM over IP switch registers itself in regular
intervals. If left blank the default will be used.
. Nickname
You have registered this nickname during your manual registration with the Dynamic DNS
Server. Spaces are not allowed in the Nickname!
. Check time
PS/2 KVM over IP switch card registers itself in the Dynamic DNS server at this time.
. Check interval
This is the interval for reporting again to the Dynamic DNS server by PS/2 KVM over IP
PS/2 KVM over IP switch has its own independent real time clock. Make sure the time setting o
PS/2 KVM over IP switch is correct. This can be achieved by configuring a timeserver (see
Figure 5.21)
PS/2 KVM over IP switch registers itself to the Dynamic DNS server slightly different from the
time configured. To reduce load peaks on the server we add a random time (0-10 min) to the
absolute time value.