
8/16/32 PS/2 KVM over IP switch
This process is not reversible and might take some minutes. Make sure the PS/2
IP-KVM switch 's power supply will not be interrupted during the update process,
because this may cause an unusable card.
Thirdly, after the firmware has been stored, the panel will request you to reset the PS/2
IP-KVM switch manually. Half a minute after the reset, the PS/2 IP-KVM switch will run with
the new firmware version and should be accessible. However, you are requested to login
once again.
The three-stage firmware update process and complete consistency check are
making a mistake in updating the firmware almost impossible. However, only
experienced staff members or administrators should perform a firmware update.
Make sure the PS/2 IP-KVM switch 's power supply will not be interrupted!
6.5.4 Unit Reset
Figure 6-34. Unit Reset
To reset certain PS/2 IP-KVM switch functionality, click on the button “ Reset ” as displayed in Figure