
8/16 PS/2 KVM over IP switch
The state or province where the organization is located.
Country (ISO code)
The country where the organization is located. This is the two-letter ISO code, e.g. DE for
Germany, or US for the USA.
Challenge Password
Some certification authorities require a challenge password to authorize later changes on
the certificate (e.g. revocation of the certificate). The minimal length of this password is 4
Confirm Challenge Password
Confirmation of the Challenge Password
The email address of a contact person that is responsible for the PS/2 IP-KVM switch and
its security.
Key length
This is the length of the generated key in bits. 1024 Bits are supposed to be sufficient for
most cases. Longer keys may result in slower response time of the PS/2 IP-KVM switch
during connection establishment.
6.4.5 Serial Port
Figure 6-25. Serial Port
The PS/2 IP-KVM switch Serial Settings (Figure 6-25) allow you to specify what device is
connected to the serial port and how to use it.