Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration 13
Appendix B lists the required cables and adaptors. You may also use any
terminal emulation program that is available on your system.
2. Confi gure your terminal or terminal emulation program as follows.
Baud rate 9600
Bits per character 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
3. Press the Return or Enter key until a prompt appears, requesting your
username. If you do not receive a prompt after pressing the key fi ve times,
check your cable and serial settings to be sure that they are correct.
4. Proceed to Initial CCM login in this chapter.
After you complete the CCM configuration, you may reconfigure the CLI on
another port or disable it completely and use port 1 with an attached device.
For more information, see Connecting to devices from the serial CLI port in
Chapter 3.
Initial CCM login
The CCM ships with a single user defined in its user database. The first time you
connect to the CCM via Telnet or serial CLI, you are prompted for a username.
To log in to the CCM for the fi rst time:
1. At the Username prompt, type Admin. There is no factory default
password for the Admin user. At the Password prompt, press Return.
Username: Admin
Authentication Complete
CCM configuration is required.
2. Once authentication completes, the CCM prompts for any missing
confi guration values that are required for operation.
If you already provided the IP address and subnet mask, you will not be
prompted for those values again.
If you have not already provided the IP address and subnet mask, you will
be prompted for them. Enter the CCM IP address and subnet mask using
standard dot notation.
CCM configuration is required
Enter CCM IP address >
Enter CCM Subnet mask >