Chapter 9 - Routing Protocols 75
The CONFIG =>IP =>OSPF =>NEIGHBORS menu is required if the router uses OSPF over non-broadcast multi-
access interfaces such as X.25 and Frame Relay. If this is the case, set the parameters described in the following
Parameter Description
Interface Link for which neighbors will be defined. In the OSPF example, consider link 1 of
Router 3.
Neighbor's IP The router ID of the neighboring router. For Router 3, link 1, use the router ID of router
Neighbor's Status
includes link in OSPF database.
Enable Inactive
leaves link in OSPF database, but router at end of link (Router 1 in this
case) no longer passes OSPF information.
deactivates neighbor link and erases
Neighbor’s IP
Neighbor's Priority Priority used by OSPF in multicast networks to elect the designated router. A priority of
1 will make this router the most likely to be chosen. A priority of 2 will make it second
most likely. Set it to 0 (zero) if this router should never be the designated router. An
example can be seen in Area 1 in the figure -- Router 1 should never be the
Designated Router because it does not have a direct link to Router 2. Either Router 0
or Router 3 should be chosen.