56 CCM Installer/User Guide
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NTP ENABLE [IP=<prim_add>[,<sec_addr>]] [UPDATE=<hours>]
The following command enables use of NTP on the CCM appliance. The time requests will first be
made to the NTP server at IP address If a valid time is not acquired from that
server, the secondary NTP server at will be contacted. The time will be updated
immediately and then every two hours.
ntp enable ip=, upd=2
Port Commands
The Port command has several forms, as listed in Table 5.5.
Table 5.4: NTP Command Parameters
Parameter Description
ENABLE Enables NTP on the appliance.
IP address of the first NTP server to contact to obtain the time and optionally, the IP
address of the second NTP server to contact if a valid time is not received from the first
server. At least a primary address is required if NTP is being enabled for the first time.
Interval for sending a time request to the NTP server and then updating the clock.
Valid values are 0-99 hours. A zero value indicates that the time should be requested
and the clock updated when the CCM appliance reboots.
Regardless of this parameter’s value, the clock is updated immediately when the
NTP Enable command is issued.
Default = 0 (update immediately and then only upon reboot)
DISABLE Disables NTP on the appliance.
Table 5.5: Port Command Summary
Command Description
Port Alert Add Adds a port alert string to a specified port.
Port Alert Copy Copies port alert strings from one port to another port.
Port Alert Delete Deletes one or more port alert strings from a specified port.
Port Break Sends a serial break signal to the attached device.