26 EVR1500 Installer/User Guide
Configuring Digital Inputs
After installing the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance and configuring
the network, you can view digital sensor channels and values for each digital
input in the system. From the Digital Inputs window, you can also rename
digital inputs.
To confi gure digital inputs:
1. After launching the web GUI, click Confi guration - Digital Inputs. The
Digital Inputs window displays the list of the system’s digital inputs.
NOTE: The Channel column is fi xed and is the internal representation of the input.
2. Click the row containing the digital sensor input you wish to confi gure.
The sensor input information displays in the dialog box.
Figure 3.9: Digital Inputs Window
NOTE: In Figure 3.9, the last two digits in the sensor’s default name represent the port
connecting the sensor to the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance. It is good practice to
use this format when naming sensors.
3. Click the Enabled checkbox to enable the selected digital input.
NOTE: An enabled digital input will display in the Main tab window and will be available for use
in the following operations: Calculations, SNMP actions, Output actions, Thresholds, Rules,
Timed Rules and Reports.