
Chapter 4: Managing Your Appliance 57
you ever need to replace your AutoView 1000R/2000R, restore the configuration
file to the new appliance and avoid manually configuring it.
NOTE: User account information is stored in the user database, not in the con guration le.
For more information, see Managing User Databases in this chapter.
To read and save a con guration to a le from an appliance:
1. Click the Tools tab in the AMP. The Tools dialog box appears.
2. Click the Save Appliance Con guration button. The Save Appliance
Con guration dialog box appears.
3. Click Browse and navigate to a location to save the Con guration le. The
location appears in the Save To eld.
4. Click Save. The con guration le is read from the appliance and saved to
the desired location. A progress window displays.
5. When complete, a message appears prompting you to con rm the read
completion. Click OK to return to the main window.
To restore a con guration le to an appliance:
1. Click the Tools tab in the AMP. The Tools dialog box appears.
2. Click the Restore Appliance Con guration button. The Restore Appliance
Con guration File dialog box appears.
3. Click Browse and navigate to the location where you stored the saved
con guration le. The le name and location appears in the File name eld.
4. Click Restore. The con guration le is written to the appliance. A progress
window displays.
5. When complete, a message appears prompting you to con rm the write
completion. Click OK to return to the main window.
Managing User Databases
An on-board user database contains all the user accounts and access rights
assigned in an appliance. You can save this database to a client-based file and
use it to configure users on other appliances by restoring the user account file
to the new appliance.
NOTE: The user account le is encrypted and you will be prompted to create a password when
you save the le. You will need to enter this password when you write the le to a new unit.
To save a user database from an appliance:
1. Click the Tools tab in the AMP. The Tools dialog box appears.