38 DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Figure 3.20: OSCAR Interface Disconnect Dialog Box
4. Click OK to disconnect the user and return to the User Status dialog box.
Click X or press Escape to exit the dialog box without disconnecting a user.
NOTE: If the User Status list has changed since last displayed, the mouse cursor will turn into an hourglass as
the list is automatically updated. No mouse or keyboard input will be accepted until the list update is complete.
Displaying version information
The OSCAR interface enables you to display the version number of the switch firmware and any
auxiliary devices connected to the switch. This information facilitates system troubleshooting and
support. For optimum performance, keep your firmware current.
To display version information:
1. If the OSCAR interface is not open, press Print Screen to open the Main dialog box.
2. Click Commands - Display Versions to open the Version dialog box shown in Figure 3.21.