Accessing the MergePoint 5224/
5240 Appliance and Target Devices
The following topics describe how to access the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager and
target devices:
• Accessing the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP Manager’s Console on page 21
• Accessing Management Features From the User Shell Menu on page 22
• Accessing the Console of a Target Device on page 24
• Creating an SSH Tunnel on page 25
• Creating a VPN Tunnel on page 27
• Obtaining and Using One Time Passwords for Dial-ins on page 33
NOTE: Chapter 3 describes using the Web Manager to manage target devices. This chapter contains
procedures that must be performed on the command line.
Accessing the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP Manager’s Console
As described under User Shell (rmenush) on page 16 and SP Shell (spshell) on page 17, authorized
users who connect to the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager’s console are presented with a menu
of choices. From the initial menu, users can bring up a list of target devices that they are authorized
to access and then access a submenu of management actions they can perform on the selected
target device.
This section describes how to access the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager’s console using SSH.
The following procedure requires the list
ed prerequisites to be met:
• The user must know the IP address of the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager.
• The user must have a username and password for the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP manager.
• The user’s workstation must be running an SSH client and either has an SSH application such
as PuTTY or access to the command line.
• If using the ssh command, the user must know the correct format, which is described in ssh
command line format on page 18.