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To remote start the vehicle:
s Press
on the remote control once.
The parking lights flash to confirm that the vehicle will attempt to
start. Once the vehicle has started, it runs for the pre- pro gram-
med period of time* or until a shutdown input is trig gered.
Warning! It is unsafe to operate a vehicle’s motor in a garage
or other closed off area. Breathing the ex haust from the ve-
hicle is hazardous to your health. Never activate the remote
start in an enclosed space.
*Runtime adjustment may be limited by vehicle manufacturer, con-
sult installation center for more information.
When you are ready to drive the vehicle:
1. Insert the ignition key and turn it to the On position.
2. Press the brake pedal.
If the brake pedal is pressed before the key is in the ON position,
the engine will shut down.
If vehicle is equipped with push button start, consult dealer
for instructions.
While the vehicle is running during remote start operation, the system
monitors the ve hi cle and automatically shuts down the engine if the
system receives any of the following:
s The brake pedal is pressed
s The hood is opened
s The shutdown toggle switch is put into the On position.
s Runtime expires
s Remote control button
is pressed once.