
Users Manual Electro-Sealer 7112 HF General Description
Leveling the Press
1. With the heat on, set the dwell timer for one (1) second or less; put a light
colored cloth or paper on the base plate (bottom platen); then, put a piece of
carbon paper, carbon side down. Run the machine trough a cycle. The
carbon paper will leave a picture of sealing area on the cloth or paper. THE
COLOR SHOULD BE EVEN. A dark area indicates more pressure in that
area and should be corrected.
2. If the out of level condition is in either the front or back, the base plate can
be tilted.
3. Loosen the bolt to lower front and raise the back.
4. Tighten to raise the front, lower the back (see fig below)
3/8-16 X 2 1/4 CAP SCREW