Chapter 10 iEnhance
Name Function
(13) Sharpness Improve the overall image by enhancing edges. This gives the image
more depth.
(14) Effects
• Gray Scale: convert the image into black and white (monochrome).
• Normalize: adjust the brightness intensity.
• Equalize: automatically adjust the images that are too dark.
• De-interlace: smooth out the overlying frames.
• Static: de-interlace for motionless scene.
• Dynamic: de-interlace for moving scene.
(15) Picture
Adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue and Gamma.
(16) Original
Display the original state of the image.
(17) Temporary
Display the sample settings. Click the sample to apply the setting on
the current video.
(18) Status Bar Display the date, and time of the video.
(19) Progress
Show the progress of the file being played. You may move the bar to
seek at any location of the track.
(20) iStable To reduce the jolt in the recorded video.(also see Chapter 10.1)
(21) Add Setting Include the new setting to the temporary setting block.
(22) Rename Change the name of the selected setting in the temporary setting block.
(23) Delete Permanently remove the selected setting in the temporary setting
(24) Load Setting Call the saved settings.
(25) Save Setting Store the settings in the temporary setting block.
10.1 To Use iStable
The iStable function can reduce the jolt in the recorded video.
1. Click Open File button and select the recorded video.
2. And then, click iStable button.
3. iStable windows will show up.
4. Select the smoothness level – 1(Low), 2, 3,
4, and 5(High). The default value is 3.
5. Click Play button, and then i-Stable function
will start to initial the recorded video.
6. When the initialize is done, user will see the
original and stabilized recorded video play in
two windows.