AVerMedia LX5000 User’s Manual
Adjust the recording quality by dragging the scroll bar. Keep in mind
that the more precise the recording quality, the more space is taken up
on the hard disk.
High speed recording
The compressed ratio is lower, and recording speed is higher. But the
recording files need bigger memory space.
High pressure recording
The compressed ratio is higher, but the recording file needs smaller
memory space. It can save the memory space.
Mask/ Shield
Mask a specific area to leave the rest area for the motion detection.
And, to enable Shield that provides you to protect some private areas
from the entire surveillance control into a black shield, ex: a fitting
room in a department store.
To set Mask /shield
1. To add any Mask/Shield areas, simply click Add, and then draw the
area you want to add to the Mask/Shield area. On the camera’s
image, click and hold the middle button of the mouse and drag the
area you want to mask. To clear all masked areas by clicking Clear.
2. Check Mask/ Shield to enable this function.
default setting restore the manufacture default setting
Restore reload the previous setting
Save Save all changes.
Exit Exit the setup screen. Note that this does not save
your changes.
AVerMedia LX5000 User’s Manual
E-Map (Electronics Map) Setup: Push this bottom, and get
into the manual of electronics map setting. You can get the information
of those electronics map which has been set (electronics map serial
number, name, and instruction). Further more, you can add, delete or
modify the setting of the electronics map:
Press the "Add", “Delete", " Renew" bottom to get into the setting
Interface of electronics map. Then, you can add, delete, or modify the
information of electronics map.