Connect to a PC
EB1004 BAK provides a convenient tool to trace back the recorded
surveillance video, catch specific images and save as AVI files. With the
EB-DVR Playback Application, users can play back the surveillance video,
catch images and backup all recorded images easily .
First Time Use
Connecting DVR unit to a power outlet automatically turns on its power. Plug a
USB connector into the USB socket of a PC when the PC is off. Follow the
instructions to install the driver:
1. Insert the CD driver into
CR-ROM’s plate. It will
auto-run. You will see the
screen on the right side.
Note: The application
supports Windows
2000/XP only.
2. Click Next. Follow the
steps to finish the
3. Select a language. Click
Next to continue the
4. Please click Browser.. to
change the directory if it
is necessary. Click Next
to continue the
Note: You can see the
DVR-Playback Application
version on the top of this
screen when you install this
5. Click Finish to complete
the installation.