Parameter Tables
Avaya Wireless AP-3 User’s Guide A-63
Parameter Tables
Objects contain groups that contain both parameters and parameter
tables. Use the following Tables to configure the Access Point. Columns
used on the tables include:
• Name - Parameter, Group, or Table Name
• Type - Data type
• Values - Value range, and default value, if any
• Access = access type, R = Read Only (show), RW = Read-Write
(can be “set”), W = Write Only
• CLI Parameter - Parameter name as used in the Access Point
Access Point network objects are associated with Groups. The network
objects are listed below and associated parameters are described in the
following Parameter Tables:
• System Parameters - Access Point system information
• Inventory Management Information - Hardware, firmware, and
software version information
• Network Parameters - IP and Network Settings
— IP Configuration Parameters - Configure the Access Point’s IP
— DNS Client for RADIUS Name Resolution - Configure the
Access Point as a DNS client