H323 Phone Install Page 56
15-601046 Issue 15b (16 July 2009)IP Office 4.2
4.3 View Details
You can use the following procedure to view a number of phone details. These are in addition to the other static address
and local administration options which can also be used to review settings.
1.While the phone is on-hook and idle, press the following sequence: MUTE 8 4 3 9 # (MUTE V I E W #).
· To display the set of details, press * at any time during viewing.
· To end the procedure and restore the user interface to its previous state, press #.
2.A sequence of values are displayed. The values available may vary between phone models and the level of IP
phone software installed on the phone. To display the next value press *. To exit the information display press #.
· Model
Shows the phones model number; for example, 4624D02A.
· Market
Shows 1 for export or 0 for domestic (US). Not displayed on all phone types.
· Phone SN
Shows the phone's Serial Number.
Shows the phone's Printed Wiring Board Serial Number.
· PWB comcode
Shows the PWB's comcode.
· MAC address
Shows the phone's MAC address as paired hexadecimal numbers.
· L2 tagging
Indicates whether L2 tagging is on, off or set to auto.
The VLAN ID used for the phone. The default is 0.
· IP address
The IP address assigned to the phone.
· Subnet mask
The subnet mask assigned to the phone.
· Router
The router address assigned to the phone.
· File server
The address of the file server assigned to the phone.
· Call server
The address of the phone's H323 Gatekeeper.
· 802.1X
The current setting for 802.1X operation if being used.
· Group
This displays the group value set on the phone. Group values can be used to control which options (both
firmware and settings) a phone downloads. Refer to the 4600 Series Phones LAN Administrator Guide.
· Protocol
Display Default.
· filename1
Shows the name of the phone application file in the phone's memory. These are values from within the boot
file loaded and not the actual file name.
· 10MBps Ethernet or 100Mbps Ethernet
Shows the speed of the detected LAN connection.
· filename2
Shows the boot file name and level. These are values from within the boot file loaded and not the actual file