Wireless Installation and Configuration Guide Page 11
IP Office [15-601082] Issue [1] (1 June 2006)
A router is an optional component in the wired Ethernet LAN infrastructure that separates a wired LAN
into segments so that network traffic is restricted to those segments that are directly involved in the
communication. Installation of a network router is recommended in larger networks, where there may be
significant network traffic not related to the wireless LAN. A router will isolate the wireless LAN from the
associated wired LAN so that they are not impacted by each others’ traffic. The gateways, access points
and their associated Ethernet switch must all be on the same “side” of the router.
Administrative Computer
A computer is required for setup and maintenance of the AVPP. This computer can be temporarily
connected directly to the component or to the network, a dedicated computer is not required. Some
installations use a laptop to configure and maintain system components.
TFTP Server
A TFTP server is required in the system to distribute software to the wireless phones and AVPP. TFTP
may be on a different subnet than IP Office, AVPP, access points and/or wireless IP phones. AVPP 10,
20 and 100 do not support IP Office internal TFTP server.
To download Avaya's free TFTP server, go to www.avaya.com/support.
An AVPP is required on each subnet. The access points must be on the same subnet(s) as the
IP Multicast Addresses
IP multicast addresses are used by the 3626 wireless phone system. This requires that multicasting be
enabled on the subnet used for the wireless phones and AVPP servers. Routers are typically configured
with filters to prevent multicast traffic from flowing outside of specific domains. The wireless LAN can be
placed on a separate VLAN or subnet to reduce the effects of broadcast and multicast traffic from
devices in other network segments.