ystem Operating Frequencies
Frequency Selection
Each transmitter/receiver system operates on a single factory
aligned, crystal-controlled frequency. Available frequencies are
shown in the chart below.
Operating frequency is specified by a two character code,
uch as “T2,” in addition to the actual frequency in MHz.The fre-
quency of each transmitter appears on a label on the outside of
the unit.The frequency of each receiver appears on a label on
the rear panel of the unit and the frequency of each system
appears on the outer carton. For future reference, please record
them in the space provided below.
RF Interference
Please note that wireless frequencies are shared with other
radio services. According to Federal Communications
Commission regulations, “Wireless microphone operations are
unprotected from interference from other licensed operations
within the band. If any interference is received by any
overnment or non-Government operation, the wireless
microphone must cease operation...”
If you need assistance with operation or frequency selection,
please contact your dealer or the A-T professional division.
Extensive wireless information also is available on the A-T Web
site at www.audio-technica.com.
For future reference, please record your system information here (the serial numbers
appear near the screwdriver clip in each transmitter, and on the bottom of
each receiver):
Operating Frequency
Freq. Code Frequency • MHz
Model ATW-R250 Serial Number
Model ATW-T20 Serial Number
Application Freq. Code Freq. (MHz)
• Traveling frequencies: T2 169.505
(Normally work anywhere in the U.S.A. and T3 170.245
Canada.) T8 171.905
Systems on these frequencies may be combined for up to three simultaneous
operating channels.