AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service
Nortel BCM50 Release 3.0 SIP Configuration Guide
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Figure 4: Available VoIP Trunks
Note: If no active VoIP lines are present, check to see if either SIP or IP Trunks
licenses are installed. If so, try restarting the “feps” service on the BCM50. This
can be done by going to
Administration Æ General Æ Service Manager
and restarting the “feps” service. Also, check under
Configuration Æ
Resources Æ Application Resources
, and ensure that the SIP (or IP) Trunks
Minimum and Maximum values are set to 0 and MAX, respectively.
Figure 5: Application Resource availability of SIP (or IP) Trunks
Also ensure that there is a number under “Licence” for either trunk entries.
Otherwise, new keycodes/licenses need to be retrieved for the BCM50.
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