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A telemarketing host is a processor that is used for the online input of telephone transactions. To complete
the online transaction screens that the host displays, a three-way interaction between the host, the agent, and
the communications system takes place. First, the communications system sends the host information
about the call. Then, the host matches the call information with a database entry and displays an
application-dependent screen (for example, an order form, customer account data, and so forth). As the
communications system forwards information about the call to the host, it simulaneously routes the call to
an agent who can view the application-dependent screen at a host terminal.
For AT&T telemarking applications, the connection between the communications system and the host is
through a 3B2 processor that functions as a gateway. The 3B2 gateway package consists of plug-in circuit
boards, as well as call management software that runs in the 3B2. The application software running in the
host is customer supplied. Between the communications system and the gateway is a DCIU, PI/SCI, or PRI
link. A host-specified link connects the 3B2 to the host. (See Figure 8-22.)
AT&T offers two telemarketing applications that can run on the 3B2 gateway: the Integrated Telemarketing
Gateway, and the ISDN Telemarketing Gateway. Both gateways provide a call-control interface between
the communications system and host application software.
The ISDN Gateway controls communication between the communications system and the host.
Communication occurs in one direction only — from the communications system to the host.
The 3B2 on which the ISDN Gateway runs can interface with the System 85 (R2V4), Generic 1, or Generic
2 communications systems. Access from the System 85 and Generic 2 communications system is via the
DCIU; access from the Generic 1 communication system is through the PI/SCI interface. The protocol
used is BX.25 (see appendix D).
The Integrated Telemarketing Gateway allows two-way communications to occur between the
communications system and the host. The communications system sends the host call information; the
host, through the gateway, directs the communications system in the call transfer, hold, and so forth,
functions related to the call.
The 3B2 on which the Integrated Telemarketing Gateway runs interfaces only with the System 85 (R2V4)
and the Generic 2 communications system. Communications occur over the D channel of a PRI