
Configuring the Wireless Network — Windows
AT&T Plug&Share
Wireless USB Adapter 54 Mbps 6602G 18
Configure Windows
2000 for Network Sharing
Step 1
Click Start >
Settings >
Network and Dial-up Connections.
Step 2
Double-click Local Area Connections.
Step 3
Click the Properties button.
Step 4
Make sure File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks appears in this list, and
check it if it is unchecked.
If you do not see it in the list, click the Install
button and follow directions to install File and
Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.
Click OK when File and Printer Sharing is
installed and checked.
XP Windows
2000 • Windows
Me/98 SE
Before making any changes to your networking settings, please review this section carefully.
Failure to follow these instructions precisely may result in the inability to log into your network or
computer. If your computer is part of a work environment, please contact your IT professional
before proceeding.