Advanced Vector Routing
6-8 Issue 4 September 1995
Notice also that vector 202 can be used for any application requiring that the
caller be notified of their remaining time in queue.
Example 3 — Using EWT to Route to the
Best Split
With EWT, you may wish to change your normal queuing strategy of queuing
calls to multiple splits in order to insure the call is answered in the shortest
possible time. This strategy uses additional system resources and can make it
more difficult to read and analyze split reports.
Instead, you may wish to use EWT to determine up-front, which split is best for
each call and avoid multiple split queuing.
In this example, there are two splits, a main split (1) and a backup split (2). Either
split can service a particular type of call. It is preferable that an agent from the
main split service the call. However, a 30-second maximum wait time is also
desirable. The strategy in this vector is to use the backup split only if the backup
split can answer the call within 30 seconds and the main split cannot.
Figure 6-5. EWT Routing—Routing to the Best Split
Step 1 branches to Step 5 to queue to the main split if the main split can answer
the call within 30 seconds. If the main split cannot answer the call within 30
seconds, Step 2 checks to see if the backup split can answer the call within 30
seconds. If it cannot, the call branches to step 5 and is queued to the main split.
If it can, the call is queued to the backup split in Step 3. At this point, the call is
queued either to the main or the backup split but not to both.
Steps 6 through 10 provide audible feedback to the caller while the call is in
queue. Note that in Step 8, which is executed every two minutes, a VRU is used
to provide the caller with his or her remaining wait time in queue.
1. goto step 5 if expected-wait for split 1 pri m <= 30
2. goto step 5 if expected-wait for split 2 pri m > 30
3. check-backup split 2 pri m if unconditionally
4. goto step 6 if unconditionally
5. queue-to main split 1 pri m
6. wait-time 12 secs hearing ringback
7. announcement 3501
8. converse-on split 18 pri m passing wait and none
9. wait-time 120 secs hearing music
10. goto step 8 if unconditionally