Anti-aliasing 61
Anti-aliasing is a technique used to smooth out the jagged edges of three-
dimensional curved objects or objects with diagonal edges.
Anti-aliasing can be set to favor either an increase in system processing
performance or improved image quality:
• Setting for performance is best used when the 3D image is
animated and smoothness of motion is the most important
• Setting for quality is best used when having highly detailed and
realistic 3D objects is the primary concern.
• If you are unsure of how to configure anti-aliasing, use the Let the
Application Decide option. Your display will automatically adjust
to the application’s requirements.
Set the Anti-Aliasing preference manually
Set the Anti-Aliasing preference manually
1 From the Tree View pane, expand 3D.
2 Click Anti-aliasing.
3 Ensure the application override is disabled. To do so, make sure the
Let the Application Decide check box is cleared. The slider control
will become available.
4 Click the Control slider and move the selector to your preferred
• To increase processing performance, move the slider to the left.
• To increase image quality, move the slider to the right.
Set Temporal anti-aliasing (using SmoothVision™ HD)
Increases image quality without impacting performance by taking fewer
image samples but at a faster rate.
1 From the Tree View pane, expand 3D.
2 Click Anti-Aliasing.
3 Uncheck Let the application decide.
4 Check Temporal anti-aliasing.