2. Find an area to be graded that is close to
specied grade. Start the skid steer or tractor,
engage the auxiliary hydraulics and move
the unit to that location. Manually raise or
lower the Laser Grading Box’s cutting edge
until it is even with the bottom of the mea-
suring pole when the Rod Eye is emitting the
“On Grade” tone or resting on the ground if
already at grade.
3. Making sure the automatic control system is
set to manual and the deadband tolerance is
at its minimum, move the Laser Sensor to a
height on the mast pole where it indicates the
beam is in the “On Grade” position and is
unobstructed by any object.
After the Laser Grading Box is connected and the
automatic control system is calibrated, operation
can begin.
The operational goal is to drive over the area to
be graded with the box 1/2 full of material and the
Control Panel’s Green Light always illuminated.
1. When seated in the Operator’s seat, start the
skid steer or tractor and set the automatic
control system to operating in automatic
2. If equipped, set the deadband tolerance to a
large value.
NOTE: Mostmaterialsgradedmustlaterbecom-
3. Drive the machine forward or reverse (The
Para-Level Grading Box has front and rear
cutting edges). The automatic control system
constantly senses the plane of laser light
to maintain the cutting edge of the box at
the required elevation. Note the following
during operation:
• In some situations, the automatic control
system may require a cut deeper than the
machine can handle. The machine may
lose traction, stall the engine, or the wheel
frame will be lifted off the ground to the
maximum stroke of the cylinder as the
cutting edge tries to reach nished grade.
If this occurs, set the Auto/Manual Switch
to MANUAL and use the Raise/Lower
Switch to raise the cutting edge until the
machine can push the material. Make
multiple passes to cut the area to closer to
nished grade and then go back to AUTO
control. This allows the high spots to be
gradually removed.
NOTE: Inroughgradingsituations,theautomatic
4. After several passes with the Laser Grading
Box, stop and turn off the skid steer or trac-
tor. Place the base of the measuring pole on
the graded area check grade elevation.
5. After a rough grade is achieved, reduce the
deadband tolerance to meet the job tolerance
requirements. With a tighter deadband, the
speed of the skid steer or tractor must be
decreased for optimum nish.