(iii) Horizontal Push with Extension
Basic Setup
The capacity of the body repair kit can be signicantly affected by the number of attachments used and the type of
load applied. The approximate load capacity of each function setup is illustrated below. When two or more extension
tubes are used together, be sure to position the shortest tube further away from the ram.
Important: Use only a good grade hydraulic jack oil.
Avoid mixing different types of uid and Never use brake
uid, turbine oil, transmission uid, motor oil or glycerin.
Improper uid can cause premature failure of the ram
and the potential for sudden and immediate loss of load.
We recommend Mobil DTE 13M or equivalent.
Adding oil
1. With ram fully lowered, set pump unit in its normal,
level position. Locate and remove oil ller screw.
2. Fill until oil is within 3/8" of the oil ller screw hole
opening, re-install oil ller screw.
Changing oil
For best performance and increased system life, replace
the complete uid supply at least once per year.
1. With ram fully lowered, remove the oil ller screw
from the pump reservoir as above.
2. Lay the pump on its side and drain the uid into a
suitable container.
Note: Dispose of hydraulic uid in accordance with
local regulations.
3. Set pump in its level upright position.
4. Fill with good quality jack oil to within 3/8" of the oil
ller screw hole opening. Reinstall oil ller screw.