Pump operates, pumps material but
does not shut off.
Reason: Pump is not reaching stall pressure.
1: Check that all hoses, lubricant lines and controls valves are
connected and the connections are tight. There should be no leaks.
2: Check that the hoses are SAE approved Grease Hoses and made for
pumping High Pressure Grease. Don’t use Oil Hose or Garden Hose
for pumping High Pressure Grease.
3: Go to Step #2; Downtube Blockage.
4: If that does not solve the problem go to Step #4
Air Motor on Pump operates but no
material comes out
1: Check the follower plate.
Make sure there are no air pockets in the grease underneath the follower plate.
Push down lightly on the follower plate to ensure a positive prime.
2: Check that all hoses and control valves are fully connected
3: Check to see that there are no blockages in the lines, hoses or control valves.
4: Go to Step #2; Downtube Blockage below.
5: If that does not solve the problem go to Step #4 below
Air Motor still Operates but no
Material comes out.
Your pump has picked up some foreign debris or materials such as rocks, stones,
dirt, sand, plastic or metal. Follow instructions for Lower Downtube Disassembly
and Cleaning below.
Pump, hoses and valves are
Connected and pump does not
Pump when I pull the trigger on
The control valve
See Trouble Shooting Sequence Below: Question / Answer
Warning: (Again!!!)
If the Air is connected to the pump, consider the pump to be live. Do not
attempt to work on the pump or the system without disconnecting the Air
Inlet and relieving pressure in the system, both air pressure and lube
pressure. Make sure there are no live air pockets in the air motor and all air
has been bled from the Air Motor.
Does the pump Air Motor operate
when it is removed from the Grease?
Yes: Then put the pump back in the
grease. Remove the hose from the
No: Then check Air Inlet for Pressure, and
check Air Motor for Leaks at the Air Nipple,
Muffler or Seals. If there are no air leaks
and Air is fully engaged at least 80 psi, take
the rubber part of a mallet and slightly tap
the front cover of the Air Motor (41202) with
the rubber part only.
Sometimes and very rarely the Toggle Valve
sticks and needs to be prodded off of the
neutral position.
Does the Air Motor have water in the
If water is in the Air Motor Casing
(41245), The slide valve 45605
could be sticking because it is
corroded or rusted. Sometimes
injecting 4-8oz of SAE 30 Motor Oil
into the air Inlet will lubricate the air
motor parts enough to get the air
motor operating. This is a
temporary fix.
Water Continued: Oil Solution Do not use Marvel Mystery Oil or
any synthetic oil as this will swell
the Buna N Packings of the pump
and render the pump useless.
Does the Air Motor Operate Now? Yes: check to see it will pump
grease. In the future keep the air
motor well oiled. You need to
check the water and air quality in
your air line. Insert pump into
grease and see below Step 5.
No: This could be due to 2 problems; We
will deal with each independently.
See Step #1 below and then see Step #2.
Step #1: Water in the Air Motor
Step #2: Downtube Blockage.
Yes: Remove Air Motor Cover
41202 and inspect the inside of the
Air Motor Casing. There should be
NLGI#1 grease packed into the air
motor casing. If there is no grease
in the air motor casing, the grease
No: We did not find water in the Air Motor
Casing when we removed the Air Motor
Cover 41202. Go to Step #2 below.
Step #2: It is possible your pump has picked
up some foreign materials or debris such as