
Digital Dailies
In recent years more and more production companies have come to see the disadvantages of a typical
telecine-based workow. Colors, geometries and the complete look of the ofine image data can be dra-
matically different to how the nal result will appear after high resolution scans. Very often the director
or DoP will be puzzled by inconsistencies between the ofine cut and the nal online edit.
With the ARRISCAN these inconsistencies need no longer exist. Dailies can be scanned at a reduced
resolution very quickly and stored on disks for further use. Once the edit decision list is available the lm
can be scanned at a higher resolution and higher dynamic range, and the results will match the color
and geometry of the lower resolution dailies.
The ARRISCAN has opened up dramatic workow enhancements:
n Dailies and high resolution scans will match in color and geometry
n Grading of digital dailies can be easily reproduced in the nal grading process
n Digital dailies data can be used for direct low res distribution
n 2K dailies data can even be used for nal results
n Data can be directly stored on mass storage, with no transfer
engine or color space conversion required
n One device (ARRISCAN) can be used for dailies and nals
Digital Dailies Base Package
In addition to these advantages, the ARRI team has developed
specic features for the digital dailies workow and made them
available in the Digital Dailies Base Package option.
In this software update, the ARRISCAN operator will get a live
preview while winding. This preview is a monochrome image
showing the content of a lm reel 'on-the-y'.
The base package also includes an additional speed increase:
n 1.5 fps for 6K oversampled to 4K
and 6K oversampled to 2K
n 5 fps for 3K oversampled to 2K
Please nd further information in the
Digital Dailies Base Package product data sheet at www.arri.com.