High Speed
The speed of the new Ultra 16 lenses is a super fast T1.3, which allows the crea-
tion of a shallow depth of eld, a look that is often sought after in other formats.
Especially for wide angle lenses in Super 16, a maximum aperture of T1.3 helps
in creating a cinematic look. In addition, T1.3 facilitates shooting on tight lighting
budgets or under a lot of time pressure, common in TV drama or independent fea-
ture lms. The fast speed is one of the outstanding features of these new lenses,
unmatched by any other Super 16 cine lens.
Optical Quality
Fast lenses are nothing new, but cinematographers used to pay dearly for high
speed with reduced optical performance and a greater propensity to aring. The
Ultra 16 lenses, like the Master Primes, change all that by combining fast speed
with outstanding optical performance at all T-stops across the whole focus range.
This previously unattainable goal was made possible through new manufacturing
techniques, the use of exotic glass materials and large diameter aspherical and
radically shaped spherical glass surfaces. The Ultra 16 lenses exhibit high con-
trast, high resolution, almost no chromatic aberration (color fringes) and a great
resistance to aring. They are designed as close focus lenses, and so retain their
outstanding optical qualities even at minimum object distances.
Incorporating aspherical glass surfaces in a lens design requires ultra-high pre-
cision in manufacturing and a complex holographic measuring process which was
developed specically for the Master Primes, now beneting all new ARRI lens
designs. The aspherical glass surface located close to the iris inside the 12, 14, 18
and 25 mm Ultra 16 lenses helps in reducing spherical aberration (the inability to
focus all light rays from a point source onto a point on lm). The aspherical front
surface of the 6, 8 and 9.5 mm keeps the image free of geometrical distortions;
straight lines stay straight, from innity to close focus.