A hearty bowl of soup or stew is always welcome at any table. Be
creative and use various left over meats and vegetables with your favorite
stock and create your own unique recipes. When preparing soup or stew, try
to allow extra time for it to “simmer” . This will allow flavors to blend and meat
to be more tender.
NOTE: When cooking soup or stew, you must turn off the switch manually
(Push up). The cooker will automatically keep the soup or stew warm until
• To thicken your stew, mix ¼ cup flour with enough water to form a thin
paste. Gradually add it to the stew, stirring until it thickens.
• If using fresh parsley or herbs in your recipe, add them in the last few
minutes of cooking to preserve flavor.
• Save any leftovers for the next day. The flavors increase overnight in your
• Canned stewed tomatoes or water with bouillon seasoning and spices
added make great stock starters for soups and stews.