18 24 30 38
G20 G31 G20 G31 G20 G31 G20 G31
Lower Wobbe index (15°C, 1013 mbar) ( MJ/m
) 45,67 70,69 45,67 70,69 45,67 70,69 45,67 70,69
Slow ignition 220 55 55 60 60
Minimum fan speed (%) 233 19 18 18 19
Maximum central heating fan speed (%) 234 85 76 78 78
Maximum D.H.W fan speed (%) 232 85 91 86 93
Maximum heating power adjstment 231 55 55 60 60
Gas valve restrictor (ø) 3.8 2.9 5.0 3.6 5.7 4.3 6.6 5.0
Gas ow max/min
(15°C, 1013 mbar)
(nat - m3/h) (GPL - kg/h)
max D.H.W 1.90 1.40 2.75 2.02 3.17 2.33 4.02 2.95
max C.H 1.90 1.40 2.33 1.71 2.96 2.17 3.28 2.41
min 0.48 0.35 0.58 0.43 0.69 0.50 0.79 0.58
Table summarising changes
AUTO function
This is a function which enables the boiler to automatically adapt
its operation routine (the temperature of the heating elements) in
line with the outdoor conditions, in order to achieve and maintain
the requested room temperature conditions.
Depending on the peripheral units connected and the number
of zones controlled, the boiler adjusts its ow temperature
The various corresponding parameters should therefore be set (see
adjustments menu).
To activate the function, press the A
UTO button.
Example 1:
Single zone system (high-temperature) with on/o room Thermostat:
In this case the following parameters must be set:
4 21 - Activation of temperature adjustment using sensors
- Select 1 = Basic temperature adjustment
2 44 - Boost Time (optional)
The wait time for the ow temperature increase in steps of
4°C may be set. The value varies according to the type of
system and installation.
If the Boost Time value = 00 the function is not activated.
Example 2:
Single zone system (high-temperature) with on/o room Thermostat
+ outdoor sensor:
In this case the following parameters must be set:
4 21 - Activation of temperature adjustment using sensors
- Select 3 = outdoor sensor only
4 22 - Temperature adjustment curve selection
- Select the relevant curve according to the type of system,
installation, heat insulation used in the building, etc.
4 23 - Perform a parallel curve shift if necessary, increasing or
decreasing the set-point temperature (this may also be
modi ed by the user, using the heating temperature
adjustment knob, which, with the Auto function activated,
is used to shift the curve in a parallel manner).
Example 3:
Single zone system (high-temperature) with REMOCON remote
Control + outdoor sensor
In this case the following parameters must be set:
4 21 - Activation of temperature adjustment using sensors
- select 4 = outdoor sensor + room sensor
4 22 - Temperature adjustment curve selection
- Select the relevant curve according to the type of system,
installation, heat insulation used in the building, etc
4 23 - Perform a parallel curve shift if necessary, increasing or
decreasing the set-point temperature. (This may also be
changed by the user by the encoder which, with the Auto
function activated, is used to shift the curve in a parallel
4 24 - In uence of room sensor
- used to adjust the in uence the room temperature has
on the calculation of the set-point ow temperature (20 =
maximum, 0 = minimum).
Note: See page 39 for details on accessing menus.