EN - 32
• If roller is more than 7/8" (22.2 mm)
from frame, loosen idler adjustment
nut and move idler away from the belt.
Tighten adjustment nut and recheck
roller clearance (Figure 35).
Check Attachment Brake
(Figure 36)
1. With the attachment clutch lever
disengaged, brake pad must contact
attachment belt. With attachment clutch
lever engaged, brake pad must be more
than 1/16" (1.6 mm) from belt. If there is
more than 1/16" (1.6 mm) gap, go to
Check Belt Finger Clearance on
page 32. If there is less than 1/16"
(1.6 mm) gap, go to Step 2.
2. If there is less than 1/16" (1.6 mm) gap
between brake pad and belt.
a. Loosen idler adjustment nut, and
move idler away from belt.
Position idler to achieve a 1/16"
(1.6 mm) minimum brake pad gap
and a 1/2 – 7/8" (12.7 – 22.2 mm)
gap between the plastic roller and
the frame.
IMPORTANT: If adjustments cannot be
brought into specified ranges see your Dealer
for repairs.
Check Belt Finger Clearance
(Figure 37)
1. With attachment clutch lever engaged,
the belt finger located opposite the belt
idler must be less than 1/8" (3.2 mm)
from belt, but not touching the belt.
To adjust belt finger, loosen the bolts and
move the finger to the proper position.
Tighten the bolts and recheck the belt
finger clearance.
2. Replace the belt cover and tighten
Figure 35
1. Idler Adjustment Nut
2. Attachment Belt Idler
Figure 36
Minimum of 1/16" (1.6 mm)
1. Brake Arm and Pad
2. Attachment Pulley
Figure 37
Check belt finger clearance here. With the
attachment clutch engaged, there should
be less than 1/8" (3.2 mm) clearance
between the belt and the belt finger. The
belt finger should not touch the belt.