VIDEO – Recording Video Files
VIDEO – Recording Video Files
With your TV docking pod properly connected to a VCR, cable box, or satellite receiver, making a
recording is a simple affair. See the relevant chapter for instructions on connecting the TV docking pod
to your television system.
Pre-record Screen
1. Select VideoCorder on the main menu screen. In the pre-
record screen, you should see movement on the sound level
bar indicating that sound will be recorded. Adjust the sound
level by clicking the LEFT/RIGHT buttons. Before starting the
recording, you can adjust the recording parameters via the
Setup action icon.
Setup Parameters
2. In most situations, the video recording will work fi ne without
your having to adjust the settings. However, by selecting the
recording settings , you have access to a number of parameters
that you can change before you start the recording. See the
table below for descriptions.
During Recording
3. Click on the PLAY/PAUSE button to start the recording. While
recording, you will see the length of time of the recording in the
top left of the screen as well as a red “record” indicator. Click
on the PLAY/PAUSE button again to pause the recording. Click
on the STOP/ESC button to stop the recording. The AV 700 will
take a few seconds to complete the proper saving of the .AVI
video fi le.
5.1 Setting the Recording Parameters
5.1 Setting the Recording Parameters
You can set the recording parameters manually to suit your specifi c needs. Click the action icon in the
VideoCorder’s pre-recording screen.
Rename Allows you to change the fi lename before the recording begins.
Auto Stop Rec On, Off. If set to On, the AV 700 will stop recording after the duration set in the next line. For example, you want
to record a television show for two hours but do not want to stay around for the two hours to stop the recording. A
recording that you start manually will last for 2 hours. If set to Off, the recording will continue until you click on the
stop button or until the entire hard drive fi lls up.
Duration This is the duration of time your manual recording will last if Auto Stop Rec above is set to On.
Pre-record This is a safety margin added to the beginning of a scheduled recording which was set via the My Yahoo!
scheduler of your personal Yahoo!
calendar. It affects ONLY these recordings. This is just in case the clocks
between your AV 700 and the broadcast station are different or if the broadcast station starts earlier than expected.
Post-record This is a safety margin added to the end of a scheduled recording which was set via the My Yahoo!
TV scheduler
of your personal calendar. It affects ONLY these recordings. This is just in case the clocks between your AV 700 and
the broadcast station are different or if the broadcast station runs overtime.