14 15
You can reach the PlayMode settings
screen from Setup > PlayMode. The
play mode determines how your music is
played (just the current folder of music,
all music, one fi le, etc.). See Playmode
in the section Settings above for a
description of how each one works.
3.5 Setting a Bookmark
If you are listening to a song, or
perhaps a long recording, and
would like to place a bookmark in it
in order to pick up from this point at another
time, you can use the Bookmark function.
You simply click on the center function
button labeled Options, then choose Set
Bookmark. This will set a bookmark in the
audio fi le at the current position. You can
only set one bookmark per fi le. When you look at the fi le in your browser,
it will have a yellow check mark on its icon indicating that this fi le has a
bookmark set within it. You can have a maximum of 16 fi les bookmarked.
Setting more bookmarks will then start to erase the oldest bookmarks.
The next time you play the audio fi le, you will be presented with three
Resume: Start playing from the bookmarked position.
Ignore: Keep the bookmark but start playing from the very beginning.
Clear: Clear the bookmark from this fi le and start playing from the
very beginning.
3.6 The Resume Function
When you turn on your Gmini
402 you will sometimes notice
that the icon which is highlighted on the main screen is not the
Browser but rather the Resume icon. This icon is highlighted when
the Gmini
402 can resume the last played audio or video fi le.
MUSIC - Playlists
A Playlist is a list of songs that the Gmini
402 will
automatically play one after the other. The Gmini
402 can load one playlist at a time into its internal
memory. You can create new playlists, add or delete
songs from a playlist, or Save a playlist as a fi le (fi le
type .m3u) to be used another time. There is no
limit to the number of playlists you can save on the
402 hard disk. Playlists are indicated by a special list icon (circled
icon to the left).
4.1 Playing a Playlist
To play a Playlist, you simply scroll to the
Playlist, such as ‘Jazz Music’ shown to the
left, and click on PLAY
. The list of songs
will be loaded into the internal memory of
the Gmini
402 and then be displayed in a
separate panel.
Click on PLAY
and the songs will
be played in the order shown. To
shuffl e the music entries in a random
order, you can click on Playlist (F1),
then choose Shuffl e. You can open
a Playlist fi le
your computer with a text editor such
as Notepad, and you will see that it is merely a list of fi les to be played
along with the hard disk path to fi nd them. If you delete a Playlist from
your Gmini
402, you are only deleting the list and not the music itself.
Example of the contents of the .m3u Playlist fi le ‘Jazz Music’.