APC A/V G-Type Rack Power Filter: Troubleshooting10
Common problems and solutions
The unit will not turn on
The Overload indicator is illuminated
The Wiring OK indicator is not illuminated
Contact APC APV Technical Support
For technical support, go to www.apcav.com or call 1-888-88APCAV (1-888-882-7228).
Probable Cause Solution
There is no input power, or insufficient input power
from the wall outlet.
Use a voltmeter to check the output of the wall outlet. Use a
device that is known to work properly to check the outlet.
Note: The unit will not turn on if the input utility power is out
of the acceptable range.
A circuit breaker has been tripped. Check the building circuit breakers and the unit’s circuit
breaker. If the circuit breaker on the unit has been tripped, the
center post will protrude from the unit. To reset the breaker,
push the center post into the unit. If it trips again, unplug one of
the components plugged into the unit and reset the breaker.
The unit is rated for 15 Amps, however, the National Electric
Code (NEC) dictates that any home circuit should not be
loaded to more than 80% of its rating.
Note: If the breaker is tripped again after trying this solution,
contact APC Technical Support.
Probable Cause Solution
The unit is overloaded. The overload LED is flashing. The Overload LED on the front of the unit will illuminate red if
the unit is overloaded. Reduce the load by disconnecting one or
more components from the back of the unit. When the load is
below 95%, the LED will stop flashing.
Probable Cause Solution
• The wall outlet polarity is reversed.
• The neutral wire is overloaded.
• The earth ground is not connected at the wall outlet.
Contact an electrician to inspect the building wiring.
WARNING: Do not operate the unit if any of these conditions
exist. The unit may not be providing surge protection.
The unit is on, but none of the LEDs are illuminated. Push
UP or DOWN several times. The LEDs should illuminate.
If they do not illuminate, contact APC Technical Support.