Commercial Gas Boilers
Revised August 2008
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Hot Water Supply System - shall consist of A. O. Smith Ac-U-Temp
factory assembled unit Model No.______. System shall be completely factory
assembled and shall include the A. O. Smith Genesis hot water supply boiler(s), with input of ______ BTU/H for ______ gas and recovery capacity
of ______ gph, and the A. O. Smith glass-lined (cement/epoxy) hot water storage tank with ______ gallons capacity for ______ mounting (vertical-
horizontal). System shall include properly sized circulator, inlet and outlet thermometers, tank temperature thermometer, relief valve, and tank temperature
control. Entire system shall be rigidly mounted on welded steel skid base and shipped assembled to job site (Ac-U-Temp systems employing tanks too
large for shipping as an assembled unit, will be shipped with the tank mounted on a split bolt-together skid).
See Genesis Boiler Specications and Storage Tank Specications in your A & E book. Hot water supply boiler(s) and storage tank(s) shall have a 5 year
limited warranty against corrosion as outlined in the written warranty.
NOTE: Custom arrangement also available. Consult factory.
For Technical Information and Automated Fax Service, call 800-527-1953. A.O. Smith Corporation reserves the right to make product changes or improvements without prior notice.
Configuration H
Configuration S
Configuration P
Configuration V