
Accessories for Use with Anprolene
Package Closure Indicator Strip
Get visual assurance of gas exposure and seal your packages in one
step! Strips provide a strong color change through rapid confirma-
tion of EtO exposure. Self-adhesive strips stick to conventional
paper, CSR wrap, cloth wrapping or Andersen Seal and Peel ®.
For use with Anprolene and EOGas systems only.
Package Closure Indicator Strip AN86 200 units/box
Exposure Indicator Strips
Immediate assurance of gas exposure! The strips provide a strong color
change when exposed to Ethylene Oxide. Convenient self-stick backing
adheres to conventional paper or cloth wrapping. Please note that these
strips are not intended to be an indicator of sterility. They are a quick
visual reference when placed on the outside of a package that it has been
through the sterilization process.
Exposure Indicator Strips AN85 200 units/box
Time, temperature, and EtO concentration are essential to proper
sterilization. The Dosimeter provides visual assurance that all of these
parameters have been fulfilled during the sterilization cycle. Results can
be viewed immediately after sterilization– no laboratory culture
necessary. We recommend the use of one Dosimeter in the least
accessible part of the load during each sterilization cycle.
AN87 25 units/box
Biological Control and Biological Control Incubator
Steritest reliably verifies that sufficient concentration of EtO killed one
million B. subtilis spores, the most resistant spore to EtO gas. Two
control components, a Dosimeter and a bacterial spore preparation in a
sterile culture medium, reduce the possibility of false positives.
The Biological Control Incubator incorporates a thermostatically
controlled 98.6°F (37°C) incubator into a tabletop unit with interior
dimensions of only 10”x 7”x 8” (25 cm x 17.8 cm x 20.3 cm).
AN80 11 units/box
Steritest Incubator (120V 60Hz) AN810 1 per box
© Andersen Products Ltd