Using the Dome Configuration Utility
The SpeedDome Ultra VII 22x camera dome is an optical zoom camera enclosed in a compact dome
housing. The camera dome supports advanced features such as 11X digital zoom (up to 242X total
zoom), open shutter settings, privacy zones, and direction indicators. The Dome Configuration Utility
is used to customize the camera dome's settings.
This chapter introduces you to the Dome Configuration Utility. It explains how to start the utility,
navigate through the menus, and change settings. It also explains where to find specific information
about customizing dome settings.
In This Chapter
• What is the Dome Configuration Utility? ....................................................................1–2
• Starting the Dome Configuration Utility......................................................................1–2
• Working with the Dome Configuration Utility............................................................1–3
• Entering the Dome's Password.....................................................................................1–3
• Restoring Factory Settings...........................................................................................1–4
• Exiting the Configuration Utility .................................................................................1–5
• Accessing the Quick Set Menu ....................................................................................1–5
• Where To Go Next ......................................................................................................1–7
• Keeping Records for the Dome's Settings ...................................................................1–8