Safety Precautions (continued)
Information for Users on Disposal of Old Equipment
[European Union]
Thissymbol indicatesthat the electrical and electronic equipment
should not bedisposed as generalhousehold waste atits end-of-
life. Instead, the product should behanded over to the applicable
collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic
equipment for proper treatment, recovery and recycling in
accordance with yournational legislation.
By disposing of thisproduct correctly, youwill help to conserve
ralresourcesand will help prevent potentialnegative effects on
the environment and humanhealth which could otherwise be
caused byinappropriate waste handling of this product. For more
information about collection point and recycling of thisproduct,
please contact your localmunicipal office, yourhousehold waste
disposal service or the shop where youpurchased the product.
ay be applicable for incorrect disposalofthis waste, in
accordance with national legislation.
[Other Countries outside the European Union]
fyou wishtodisposeofthis product, pleasedosoinaccordance
with applicable national legislation or other rules in yourcountry for
the treatment of old electrical and electronic equipment.
is only valid in
the European
Erklärung zumRauschen (für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland):
Maschinenlärminformations-Verordunung 3.GPSGV, 06.01.2004:Der höchste
Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB(A) oder weniger gamäß EN ISO 7779
Duetodesign modifications,data given in this instruction book are subject
to possible change without prior notice.
Wegen Entwurfsmodifikationen istes möglich, dass die in dieser
Anleitung gegebenen Daten ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert
ADCTDN2412N_P_EN.book Page 6 Friday, September 28, 2007 12:49 PM