© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
(This Book is divided into two Sections)
Section One - Technical Information Bulletins
1. Technical Information Bulletins: Information Bulletins are listed by Bulletin Number (Date).
Example the oldest Bulletin will be listed first and the most recent bulletin will be listed last.
Bulletin No. 021002 = first & second digits are the month, the third & fourth digits are the day
of the month and the fifth & sixth digits are the year this means, the bulletin was written on Feb,
10, 2002. If more than one bulletin was written on that day the a dash with a number will added,
example -1, -2 etc.
2. Authorize Repairs: Technical Information Bulletins do not authorize any repairs to be made
under warranty or any other circumstance unless specifically instructed to do so.
3. Bulletin Reference: Some Technical Information Bulletins will refer to the corresponding
Service Bulletins for repairs and some are for information only.
4. Bulletin Instructions: Technical Information Bulletins should have all the instructions as to
what you need, but may not have all the information needed to make an installation complete.
In some cases it may be required to refer to other manuals for more complete information, this
should be suggested in the Technical Information Bulletin.
5. All Technical Information Bulletins printed in this Manual will void any previously printed Bulletins.
Any changes in these bulletins are the final version as of the date of this manual.