
File name option: You can use the date/time as your capture file name or assign a name
Time option
Current time: Shows the current time.
Starting time: Enter the date and time when you want to start recording.
Duration: Enter the length that you want to record.
Recording rule: Select the recording rule you want to use. The default is "Once only.”
When you enter a record schedule, it will be added t
the Open tab of the Scheduled Recording Agent.
Insert: Insert a new record schedule.
Edit: Edit the record schedule.
Delete: Delete a record schedule.
Delete All: Delete all record schedules.
Execute TVR: Starts the TVR program.
Today To-do List: displays all of today’s record
schedules. Click Refresh to update the list.
Log: If your record schedule has failed, the error
message will be recorded in the Log. You can check
for any message in the Log. Click Clear to clear the